Blair Planning

Blair County Census
Incorporated February 26, 1846
Area of 525.8 Square Miles
Fifth Class County
Historical Census:
1850 21,777 1940 140,358
1860 27,829 1950 139,514
1870 38,051 1960 137,270
1880 52,740 1970 135,356
1890 70,866 1980 136,621
1900 85,099 1990 130,542
1910 108,858 2000 129,144
1920 128,334 2010 127,089
1930 139,840 2020 122,822

Municipal Fact Book
Census Facts for each municipality set in a tri-fold format. Completed in the summer of 2020 by IUP Intern Austin Thompson.
Scroll down for detailed countywide data

(2020 Numbers will be posted when they become available.)
127,089 Population, 2010 Decennial Census
Age and Sex
5.3% Persons under 5 years
20.4% Persons under 18 years
20.8% Persons 65 years and over
51.0% Female persons
Race and Hispanic Origin
95.6% White alone
2.0% Black or African American alone
0.2% American Indian and Alaska Native alone
0.7% Asian alone
N/R Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
1.5% Two or More Races
1.3% Hispanic or Latino
94.6% White alone, not Hispanic or Latino
Population Characteristics
9,802 Veterans
1.2% Foreign born persons
56,945 Housing units
70.2% Owner-occupied housing unit rate
$120,300 Median value of owner-occupied housing units
$ 1,089 Median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage
$ 435 Median selected monthly owner costs - without a mortgage
$ 711 Median gross rent
101 Annual building permits
Families & Living Arrangements
51,625 Households
2.34 Persons per household
89.4% Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+
2.2% Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+
Computer and Internet Use
82.3% Households with a computer
75.0% Households with a broadband Internet subscription
90.9% High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+
20.8% Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+
12.8% With a disability, under age 65 years
6.3% Persons without health insurance, under age 65 years
58.7% In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+
53.8% In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+
199,443 Total accommodation and food services sales ($1,000)
1,149,504 Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue ($1,000)
2,115,631 Total manufacturers shipments ($1,000)
2,258,357 Total merchant wholesaler sales ($1,000)
2,286,728 Total retail sales ($1,000)
$17,989 Total retail sales per capita
20.2 Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+
Income & Poverty
$47,969 Median household income (in 2018 dollars)
$26,648 Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2018 dollars)
14.4% Persons in poverty
3,185 Total employer establishments
52,981 Total employment
2,012,148 Total annual payroll ($1,000)
-1.3% Total employment, percent change, 2016-2017
6,407 Total nonemployer establishments
7,961 All firms
4,329 Men-owned firms
2,159 Women-owned firms
225 Minority-owned firms
7,252 Nonminority-owned firms
1,009 Veteran-owned firms
6,036 Nonveteran-owned firms
241.7 Population per square mile
525.80 Land area in square miles
FIPS Code 42013