Blair Planning

Comprehensive Planning
One of the primary roles of a planning commission is to develop and implement a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is basically what the name implies - a document that declares and guides a community's intent for its future looking at all elements of the community as a whole. It is predicated on the idea that all elements are impacted and influence one another. The former comprehensive plan, adopted in 2007, is available online in two parts (it is one document that is too large for one file upload). The first is essentially an assessment of existing conditions (in 2007), the second is the future plan. It remains in place as a record of what has gone before, and as a data source for those interested in Blair County. Additionally, previous plans are available in hard copy at our offices.
Our current plan, Alleghenies Ahead: Shared Strategies for a Stronger Region, is a collaborative effort to implement strategies that will boost the region’s ability to create and compete for jobs, attract and retain residents, and become a place with stronger and more vital communities. It was awarded the PA Chapter of the American Planning Association's Award for Plans in October 2018.
Guided by the principle to “plan regionally and implement locally,” Alleghenies Ahead is an effort that recognizes that no single project, issue, or entity can do this – that it requires sustained attention on multiple fronts that haven’t traditionally been connected to the problem of job creation or household attraction, such as housing, recreation, and technology.
Businesses and families have countless options today, and helping them choose the Southern Alleghenies is something that every investment and policy decision in the region stands to influence. The frame below is the Alleghenies Ahead main document. Note that each of the six counties has its own 'Part 2' and only Blair County's Part 2 is included here. Please visit for the others if you are interested. An Executive Summary is also available.